Upcoming Service Announcement: On Sunday, November 3 Loop Church will be hosting a Brunch Sunday service on the Fourth Floor of the East-West (829 S Wabash). The Brunch service is an opportunity to share food, fellowship, and communion with one another as a part of our worship. Thee service will be at our regular time of 10 AM.

We are an open and affirming church engaging the rhythms of faith in the life of the city. We seek to be a church in which questions are asked, stories are shared, and hope is nurtured.


We gather weekly for shared worship and fellowship that is rooted in tradition, but open to the new movements of the Spirit. We seek to be a faith community in which differences are respected and vulnerabilities are honored so that all people can connect to the love of God, the life of Christ, and the gift of the Spirit.



We worship Sunday mornings at 10 AM in the 4th floor auditorium at East West University (829 S Wabash).

Come and Join us!


Online services

You can join our services online using the Zoom link below.


what to expect

Our services range from 20 to 40 people, combine contemporary and traditional music and liturgies, and include a time for questions and discussion after the sermon.